I am using Bikestore v3.9 and customizing it a little bit. I am trying to hide mainbody in the Front Page by using isFrontPage() method using $this->layout->isFrontPage() but the latest version of Gavern added this line:
- Code: Select all
if ($this->globalMenuActive == $this->globalMenuLanguage) {
return true;
Since $globalMenuActive and $globalMenuLanguage are both null by default and if this line:
- Code: Select all
if($menuActive == $menuLanguage) {
$this->globalMenuActive = $menuActive;
$this->globalMenuLanguage = $menuLanguage;
return true;
is not being run when frontpage is not active, isFrontPage() will always return TRUE.
Am I reading this code right? What is the purpose of validating $this->globalMenuActive == $this->globalMenuLanguage and return TRUE when it is already validated in code above or line #129 in helper.layout.php.