Creating a single page website with Simplicity template

Support help forum dedicated to free and commerical templates for Joomla 3 and 2.5 version.
GK User
Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:46 pm

I've purchased and am setting up 2 websites using the Simplicity template.
Could you tell me if it is possible to create a single page site using this template where I have links in the top nav that scroll down the page to certain parts of it using the animated/parallax type scrolling you get when you manually scroll down the page?
In other words, your whole site is set up on the front page with a menu at the top. When you click on one of the menu items in the top nav, the page goes to that part of the page - like an anchor tag - but instead of jumping to that part of the page, it scrolls down the page in an animated way so that you see the parallax scrolling effects as the page automatically scrolls to that part of the page.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't seem to be able to bring up any related info to this when I search the FAQ.

Kind Regards,
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GK User
Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:10 am
The only way is to add anchors to code and then create your custom script to scroll page to selected area. More about anchors you can find here >>

Then you just need to create custom JavaScript code to get parallax effect in scroll but this is huge customization and there is no code that I can give you because this demands lot of changes in code and inside script.
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