GameNews wallpaper.

Support help forum dedicated to free and commerical templates for Joomla 3 and 2.5 version.
GK User
Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:19 pm
Hello forum,

Is there any way I can have the wallpaper on the GameNews template to change when clicked on each menu item tabs?

I want a different wallpaper to show randomly on each page of my website.

Please help. What would be the code and where can I put the code? Or is there any component for this?

Thanks in advance,

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GK User
Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:07 pm
If you want random images you can use Fun Supersized plugin. ... ound/18847

If you want page specific you can use pagesuffix and set a background manually in css override. Please note this is not recommended and takes a lot of time if you have many pages to change.

Otherwise you can use my mod, although it was for older versions of one of our template it might give you an idea. ... ound%20mod

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