font resizer settings help

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GK User
Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:41 am
Not sure how to best describe this (the attachments shows the problem). I've resorted to turning off the font resizer, would like it OFF on the home page, ON for k2 categories and articles and all virtuemart items (if possible). I think I have the template setting wrong, please coach me!

The main issue is that k2 articles when category view have a read-more inserted, then expand the article and hit the resize, it only increases font size AFTER the read more insert tag, the part infront of read-more doesn't enlarge.

The global settings rule is probably causing this, please suggest best fixes...

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GK User
Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:07 am
You can enable or disable font size switcher for selected pages via menu item ID or component name (like "com_k2") so if you want to disable it on some item page it have to be related with some menu item. Then you check menu item ID (via menu manager) and write in filed this ID - for example 999. Then you only need to click "Add rule" button and the font-size switcher should disappear.
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