bkrztuk wrote:Of course there is way to fix this but I've checked again console and the JavaScript errors comes from this 3rd party extensions not from our template. You should contact with this tools provider to fix the problem.
JS errors are from "/GooFiiTV3/modules/mod_jomsocial_videos_extended_16/js/jquery.nyroModal.custom.js"
so please try to disable this extension or open this script and add this noConflict() part at the same top.
As you can check on my website, the Jomsocial video extended is unpublished but the issue is still happening. Furthermore, when I test with another template it is working.
Nevertheless, I will ask them for support regarding the point you mentionned.
I am facing another issue with chola ajax video search module. The support told me the issue is coming from the template. And actualy when I test with another template it is working.
Do you have any idea of the issue on this module (on mainbody_top)?
http://alpha.goofiit.com/GooFiiTV3/index.php/agirThanks for your help,