how to change the files?

Multi-purpose Joomla template including ecommerce features and beautiful design
GK User
Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:28 pm
inside the QuickStart folder is a text document telling you to execute some changes in virtuemart.cfg.php after installation. It's not very clear to the people who are fairly new to this. First of all, I am assuming after you've installed Virtuemart? And secondly, what changes do you have to make, do have to replace something? I would appreciate a little help.

below is a fragment that we are being told to change, but to what?

also, I'm familiar with adding demo content, however, you normally have to put in an SQL database. Again on this text document, they are talking about username being admin, and password demo. Is it database included inside the package somewhere?. I'm going to have to put in all the password information once I have installed Joomla. I'm totally confused

define( 'URL', '' );
define( 'SECUREURL', '' );
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:51 pm
Kinda figured this one out. I guess what it means is to change the following (after you have opened the virtumart.cfg.php):
define( 'URL', '' );
define( 'SECUREURL', '' );


define( 'URL', 'http://yoursite/' );
define( 'SECUREURL', 'http://yoursite/' );

Note:If you are developing the site locally before hosting then

define( 'URL', 'http://xampp/yoursitename/' );
define( 'SECUREURL', 'http://xampp/yoursitename/' );

After which on the first login attempt, you would access the admin section with username="admin" and password="demo". Change these from the user manager once you have logged in.

Hope this is what you were looking for!

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Fresh Boarder

Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:44 am

The eShoptrix 2 package includes:

This is a complete installation of Joomla 1.5.3 that includes the eShoptrix 2 Template, with VirtueMart Component and also the default sql database integrated. That's why we call it "Quick Start" ;)

Important: After QS installation, login using "admin" and "demo".

For those Who don't want to you the "quick start" for somew reason, for example, you already have your store set with VirtueMart content, you can use the files available to install the template:
[*]component - The Photoslide GK1 Component
[*]modules - The Gavick Modules needed
[*]VM - This folder contains the Gavick VM style
[*] - The Template

Note: Naturally, for this solution, there's no sql dump file.

Finally, the pdf Manual and psd Source file to work on the graphics of the template using PhotoShop.

About the IMPORTANT change (only for QS) , after you install the "Quick Start!" package, open the virtumart.cfg.php on .../administrator/components/com_virtuemart/ and find that 2 lines and change to you main URL.

Note: If you use a local server like xampp, it should be (for example) : "http://localhost/eshoptrix2/"

Cheers Mate ;)
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