Style problems

Corporate business Joomla theme to introduce your company in attractive way.
GK User
Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:00 am

I have installed your template corporate II in What i want to do it is so simple but the template does not allow me.

I want to set up the left column in every pages less the home page, but i can do so. If i create a module and i locate in the left position it start breaking the format.

I will work in this site with a left column with 230 pixeles and to the right the main page where i get all my articles and another to module. One up that will be a search module and another down that will be something else, but in bouth cases will have the same width of the article, so it is not so complicate and it is in the template module position, but i can not get it. Maybe i am making something wrong, but i have installed a demo in a subdomain and i am setting up the site as the demo.

Looking forward to your help,


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Fresh Boarder

Konrad M
Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:32 am
Can you send me PM with access to your website?
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