bkrztuk wrote:The ticket that I closed was about the update package not about the problems with the template, I've finally got you email and I check this problem asap.
I can see that if you simply skim read my email you may of thought it was about the update package. However if you read it in detail then you would realise that i was asking for the version of the t3 template released before you made some updates with google fonts. Because that one worked and this one didnt. That i was saying as i have not recieved any fix to my problems that i keep posting in the forum and sending support tickets for, could you please let me have acsess to the 24th december t3 release - without google font edits. As this one worked fine!
In other words, I'm using 2.0.1 i would like 2.0.0
...and only because my pleas for a fix to 2.0.1 were ignored.
So have you fixed the errors in the latest version of the template. I'm confused because the date says last updated 24th of december on the downloads page. Im especially confused because your instructions say to upload some files but when i asked in my support ticket i was told i could not simply have some files to upload because it did not work like that.
"the t3 framework gives you more powerful options but also have different template structure so it is impossible to make update (by replace files) from previous version to the old one"
Its just so weird, its almost as if you were talking about the old version 1 - which would be really very silly as my support ticket explained that my last response was some rubbish about the version 1 template which made no sense because i have never used that one. It was nothing to do with the pre t3 version of the template at all it was the t3 framework pre google font adjustments i was looking for.
So to avoid further confusion and being told the same ridiculous things about a version of the template ive never used and never wanted.
Let me just explain again my problems so there can be no misunderstanding, in what the issue is.*Undefined element messages in template options mess up the backend.
*using text instead of image for logo creates a huge void underneath the menu area.
*enabeling cufon fonts blank screens my entire site.
*banner1 position is listed in the xml file but no modules show up when you place one there.
*Fonts on gk news modules loose font formatting when ANY setting is changed for the first time from the template options. To clarify... upon fresh template install if you check the site everything looks as it should. Once you change any options the font reverts to something else and the only way to change it back is to uninstall and reinstall the template. However all setting changes result in this including assigning a menu so its impossible to avoid.
All of these problems started when i reinstalled the latest version of the template an update on the 27th of december that apparently had these changes
Added 14 Google Fonts
Small fix in the code of Google Fonts
Changed files:
- templateDetails.xml
- admin/googlefonts.php