I am working on this template and I have found a problem with the background of the Main Menu on top:
if you open the link with Firefox 15.0.1, and then open the Bookmarks side window in Firefox, the background behind the main menus starts to shrink.
You can see an image of this effect here:
http://www.use.com/showoriginal.pl?set= ... affd18&p=1
The shrinking seems directly correlated in size with the size of the Firefox bookmarks windows on the side.
The same problem happens also if we close the Bookmarks window and then resize the WIDTH of the Firefox window. It happens also on Internet Explorer and Google Chrome (I have not checked Safari).
So basically it seems to be some sort of cross-browser fixed-width problem.
I am wondering if there is anything we can do to resolve this issue.
My hope would be to see the Main Menu background going all the way to the right end of the page.
Any suggestion welcome. Thank you.