Hello, I've subscribed for 1 year so far, I havnt renewed this year yet because I am still deciding which membership i want to use. Anyway...
I love News Show Pro GK4, its probably my favourite gavick feature, especially v4. I'm using it with another template I'm designing at the moment. One of my slides has a youtube video in it. I did a search on everytime youtube has been mentioned in gk news show pro gk4 and i havnt seen it before. Lets open this discussion.
Basically what I need is to stop the gavick 'autoplay' when a youtube video is played. Of course one simple solution would be to not use autoplay but it will be much nicer to have it autoplay and only stop if the video is watched.
I'm just about to sit down and start writing my solution to the problem now. It used to be slightly easier with the javascript API, now we want to use Iframe and HTML 5 support so we can also support Ipad's and apple devices without flash.
So I've worked out I should use HTML Iframe method, include the js API, and listen for the event onStateChange, (which is when the video is played), and then issue an event to gavick to stop playing. I should be done with that code in a few minutes and then I'll be looking for a function to call in news show pro gk4 to stop autoplay.
I'd offer I will probably have this resolved before anybody responds, just listing this enquiry in case the way I go about it turns out to be wrong or anybody has ideas.
I do think that for GK5 when that comes out one day we should have an API for these kinds of methods in the future. Perhaps I could write an extension so this can be automated for the current version.
Thanks to anybody bothered to read / respond, cheers