running gk4 on J!1.5.23, rockettheme clup template tachyon which is also uptodate.
I installed gk4 module without any problems.
From 8 different categories, gk4 is showing the latest articles. 1 row 3 articles at a time and arrow navigation choosen 3 pages. So this makes 1 gk4 module is showing 9 articles from a spesific cat. without any effects like sliding or fading.
Totally, I got 72 articles on 8 gk4 copies on the frontpage.
The problem is that my hosting company is warning me of server system resources abuse. My frontpage is using more than half of their server cpu. They have 1000 sites on the server and I have the half of the resources.
What can I do to reduce server cpu usage, and make the whole frontpage load faster. almost 10 daily articles are added to different cat's with hourly intervals.?
As you can see on www.saglikveyasamdergisi.com.tr, there is 1 latest videos module, newsletter sign up module, and a imagescroller on the homepage other than gk4 modules. That is why I'm suspicious of gk4 is causing the problem.
If you can be kind to answer soonest I will be pleased.