Hi everyone
Such a great extension you have there!
Anyway i have an annoying bug with IE7
You can see it here :
The readmore link s always visible, even on hidden articles. If you click a prev/next button (on artist module for example) you will see it animate but does not go 'behind' the container.
The readmore links use a different background (via css) depending on the user's language. (as GK4 does not work with joomfish)
I tried to apply different css rules (z-index, display:none, remove background, etc..) using the 'unvisible' class but nothing does the trick.
Could it be related to a mootools/jQuery incompatibility ?(i see no differences using mootools other version in GK4 module back-end, and use jQuery in noconflict mode.). Turning off the animations 'fix' the readmore buttons, which cannot move anymore, so i thought of an incompatibility.
Anyone has an idea of how to fix that ?
Thanks in advance