Hallo Seichinha,
mhhh...this is not a 3rd party extension...this is Joomla 1.6.x core! Please read language switcher tutorial:
http://docs.joomla.org/Language_Switche ... Joomla_1.6
there is a subfix in URL "en" or "de" depending on language. Therefore your module is providing wrong linking with Joomla 1.6.x. I guess. This problem has been addressed with other developers (other applications) also and they came up with a fix that respects language subfix. Since I won't be the only one using Joomlas build in language switcher, you might won't to think about investigating this issue. I know your extension is free and therefore I am happy that I can give it a try. Your extension is very professional and I will look around your service offers more often...
have a look at code that takes care of correct ajax calls in another application. Maybe you can use this hint in order to fix your news extension so it will work with active language switcher in Joomla 1.6.x:
- Code: Select all
# if host have wwww, but mosConfig doesn't
//if (substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 0, 4) == "www.") {
if((substr_count(@$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "www.") != 0) && (substr_count($reqURI, "www.") == 0))
$reqURI = str_replace("://", "://www.", $reqURI);
} else if((substr_count(@$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "www.") == 0) && (substr_count($reqURI, "www.") != 0))
// host do not have 'www' but mosConfig does
$reqURI = str_replace("www.", "", $reqURI);
/* Check for HTTPS */
$reqURI = str_replace("http://", "https://", $reqURI);
$siteType = XXXGetJoomlaVersion() == '1.6' ? '1.6' : '1.5';
//fix the uri if languagefilter plugin is enabled in J1.6
$reqURI = $this->_fixLangSwitcher($reqURI);
$tokenStr = JUtility::getToken();
$html =
"<script type='text/javascript'>
var jax_live_site = '$reqURI';
var jax_site_type = '$siteType';
var jax_token_var = '$tokenStr';
$html .= "<script type="text/javascript" src="$this->_livePath/ajax_" . XXX_SYSTEM . ".js"></script>n";
return $this->_fixHTTPS($html);
Joomfish is not ready for Joomla 1.6 and devs are thinking about a new structure which will 1. work stand alone 2. support existing language switcher in Joomla 1.6.x. I will stay with Joomlas build in language switcher because Joomla will probably never go out of "business".
Greetings from Germany