I'm trying to use GK4 with virtuemart.
If I select virtuemart products and try and input product ID's I get Error: Any articles to show in the frontend.
If I try VM categories, all of the option tabs expand in the back end and I get the following error in firebug:
Error: $("params" + $("paramsdata_source").value) is null
Source File: http://www.xxxxx/modules/mod_news_pro_g ... /script.js
Line: 74,81, 89
I stilll get Error: Any articles to show in the frontend.
I'm using version 2.3.2 of the module and I'm using the demo / quickstart package that I dwonloaded last week.
I've uninstalled K2 from the site and have disabled the K2 options in the module.
Is this supposed to work with VM ?