It's strange, currently I have 4 tabs (Using GK Tabs) on my homepage, each tab has been assigned to a GK News Pro 4 module with unique ID's.
3 of the tabs being RECENT SONGS, RECENT VIDEOS, POPULAR SONGS work just fine HOWEVER when I assigned another GK News Pro 4 module to the last tab being POPULAR VIDEOS, all of a sudden the navigation buttons on other modules in the website go messed up.
Interesting thing is, when I assign a completely different module besides GK News Pro 4 to the 4th tab, things to back to normal.
I realize the ID for each module must be unique and I have did that however I'm not understanding where the issue could be from?
Please help thanks.
http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/4096/normaln.jpg --> Normal state
http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/5152/abnormal.jpg --> Abnormal state