I have the same problem with you, and it's always happen when you're try to make all text including header on the right of image and your title too short. The fast sollution i think you should edit gk_stuff.css at
.nsp_art h4.nsp_header and add specific width for your header text. Of course this for special cases only. Maybe Gavick team know better sollution.
Also, is there posible in the future to improve thumbnail stretch not ruin image proportion, but only hidden unused space? I found this function works properly on Zoo item module. For Example; I try to make image thumbnail in 100px(w) X 100px(h) from original image 500px(w) X 300px(h). So, the function
Keep aspect ratio will make thumbnail 167px(w) X 100px(h) than function Thumbnail stretch will hidden 67px(w) unused thumbnail image width. Is there possible?
And sorry for my bad english
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