Notizie Mostra Pro GK4

Free responsive Joomla 2.5 and 3.x module to present your content with easy and intuitive way.
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GK User
Fri Feb 14, 2014 7:12 pm
il modulo dal lato amministrativo è bianco e non mostra alcun comando. Uso Joomla 2.5.18. ma il problema c'era anche nella versione precedente. Il sito funzionava sino a ieri. l'errore è il seguente: Uncaught ReferenceError: writeDynaList is not defined
orders[82] = new Array("right_bottom","30","30. Scegli in \"Capitali e città d\'Arte\"");
orders[83] = new Array("right_bottom","31","31. Guide e mappe relative");
orders[84] = new Array("lang","1","1. Leaderboard");
orders[85] = new Array("top","1","1. Banner di sezione");
orders[86] = new Array("top","2","2. Banner di prima");
orders[87] = new Array("right_bottom","32","32. Scegli in \"Avventura\"");
orders[88] = new Array("header","5","5. Viaggi Avventura in Rete");
orders[89] = new Array("top9","1","1. Suffix \" title3\" ");
orders[90] = new Array("user8","1","1. Tab tab1");
orders[91] = new Array("top3","1","1. More headlines");
orders[92] = new Array("bottom8","3","3. Entertainment");
orders[93] = new Array("bottom1","2","2. Local News");
orders[94] = new Array("right_bottom","33","33. Tags");
orders[95] = new Array("mainbody_bottom","2","2. NSP GK4 suffix \" nsp\"");
orders[96] = new Array("header","6","6. Header");
orders[97] = new Array("tab3","3","3. K2 Tags on Tabs");
orders[98] = new Array("footer_nav","1","1. Footer menu");
orders[99] = new Array("breadcrumb","1","1. Breadcrumbs");
orders[100] = new Array("bottom3","4","4. Meet Pleople, meet Places");
orders[101] = new Array("bottom9","3","3. Inside the Middle East");
orders[102] = new Array("bottom4","2","2. Crime Investigation");
orders[103] = new Array("top2","2","2. Latest News");
orders[104] = new Array("right_top","2","2. K2 Categories");
orders[105] = new Array("tab6","1","1. K2 Comments");
orders[106] = new Array("top2","3","3. Suffix \" twolines color1\"");
orders[107] = new Array("breadcrumb_mainbody","1","1. Breadcrumbs Mainbody");
orders[108] = new Array("bottom2","3","3. Radical Sports");
orders[109] = new Array("bottom7","3","3. Real Stories from real people");
orders[110] = new Array("bottom10","3","3. Specialist Review");
orders[111] = new Array("mainbody_bottom","3","3. Suffix \" clear\" ");
orders[112] = new Array("right_bottom","34","34. Suffix \"_text\"");
orders[113] = new Array("left_left","1","1. Left column (left-left)");
orders[114] = new Array("left_right","1","1. Left column (left-right)");
orders[115] = new Array("left_top","2","2. Left column (left-top)");
orders[116] = new Array("right_right","3","3. Right column (right-right)");
orders[117] = new Array("right_bottom","35","35. Right column (right-bottom)");
orders[118] = new Array("right_left","3","3. Right column (right-left)");
orders[119] = new Array("left_bottom","1","1. Left column (left-bottom)");
orders[120] = new Array("login","1","1. Sign In");
orders[121] = new Array("inset1","1","1. Inset left (inset1)");
orders[122] = new Array("inset2","2","2. Inset right (inset2)");
orders[123] = new Array("bottom","1","1. Bottom module (bottom)");
orders[124] = new Array("right_bottom","36","36. K2 Tags (2)");
orders[125] = new Array("right_top","3","3. Suffix \"_menu\"");
orders[126] = new Array("top3","2","2. Suffix \" twolines color2\" ");
orders[127] = new Array("top4","1","1. Suffix \" border2\" ");
orders[128] = new Array("top3","3","3. Suffix \" border1\"");
orders[129] = new Array("top1","1","1. Suffix \" color3\"");
orders[130] = new Array("top2","4","4. Suffix \" color4\"");
orders[131] = new Array("top7","2","2. Suffix \" small\"");
orders[132] = new Array("position-7","1","1. Main Menu");
orders[133] = new Array("top1","2","2. Main NSP");
orders[134] = new Array("user7","1","1. Tab default");
orders[135] = new Array("user2","2","2. NSP GK4 suffix \" color_title\"");
orders[136] = new Array("mainbody_bottom","4","4. Suffix \" clean\"");
orders[137] = new Array("top9","2","2. Suffix \" black\"");
orders[138] = new Array("top7","3","3. Suffix \" gold\"");
orders[139] = new Array("top7","4","4. Suffix \" green\"");
orders[140] = new Array("top9","3","3. Suffix \" pink\"");
orders[141] = new Array("top9","4","4. Suffix \" blue\"");
orders[142] = new Array("top8","2","2. Suffix \" bronze\"");
orders[143] = new Array("user1","1","1. NSP GK4 suffix \" big_title\"");
orders[144] = new Array("top","3","3. Top module (top)");
orders[145] = new Array("right_bottom","37","37. Other News");
orders[146] = new Array("user3","1","1. Suffix \" color4\"");
orders[147] = new Array("user2","3","3. Suffix \" color3\"");
orders[148] = new Array("user1","2","2. Suffix \" dark\"");
orders[149] = new Array("top9","5","5. Suffix \" border color2\"");
orders[150] = new Array("top8","3","3. Suffix \" border color1\"");
orders[151] = new Array("menu3","1","1. Menu News III");
orders[152] = new Array("menu2","1","1. Menu News II");
orders[153] = new Array("menu1","1","1. Menu News I");
orders[154] = new Array("top9","6","6. Suffix \" yellow\"");
orders[155] = new Array("top7","5","5. Suffix \" orange\"");
orders[156] = new Array("top7","6","6. Editor\'s Picks");
orders[157] = new Array("tab2","3","3. K2 Comments on Tabs");
orders[158] = new Array("top7","7","7. Suffix \" border\"");
orders[159] = new Array("top8","4","4. Suffix \" red\"");
orders[160] = new Array("top1","3","3. Default module");
orders[161] = new Array("tab1","2","2. NSP on tabs");
orders[162] = new Array("top8","5","5. Suffix \" violet\"");
orders[163] = new Array("right_bottom","38","38. Stay connected");
orders[164] = new Array("top8","6","6. Suffix \" grey\"");
orders[165] = new Array("right_top","4","4. Video");
orders[166] = new Array("top7","8","8. Suffix \" title1a\" ");
orders[167] = new Array("top8","7","7. Suffix \" title2a\" ");
orders[168] = new Array("tab7","1","1. K2 Tags");
orders[169] = new Array("mainbody","5","5. Sport News");
orders[170] = new Array("mainbody","6","6. New Games");
orders[171] = new Array("mainbody_bottom","5","5. Mainbody bottom (mainbody_bottom)");
orders[172] = new Array("inset1","2","2. Business");
orders[173] = new Array("top8","8","8. Suffix \" title2b\" ");
orders[174] = new Array("top9","7","7. Suffix \" title3a\" ");
orders[175] = new Array("top","4","4. La Boutique del Viaggiatore");
orders[176] = new Array("left_top","3","3. New Game");
orders[177] = new Array("right_bottom","39","39. In libreria");
orders[178] = new Array("top1","4","4. Suffix \" twolines\"");
orders[179] = new Array("top","5","5. Guide Mappe e Storie di Viaggio");
orders[180] = new Array("right_bottom","40","40. La boutique");
orders[181] = new Array("right_bottom","41","41. Le Strutture");
orders[182] = new Array("right_bottom","42","42. Gli Eventi");
orders[183] = new Array("right_bottom","43","43. Inline Rectangle di sezione");
orders[184] = new Array("mainbody","7","7. Health");
orders[185] = new Array("top9","8","8. Suffix \" title3b\" ");
orders[186] = new Array("header","7","7. Header");
orders[187] = new Array("top7","9","9. Suffix \" title1b\" ");
orders[188] = new Array("mainbody_bottom","6","6. Advertisement");
orders[189] = new Array("inset1","3","3. Demo banner");
orders[190] = new Array("mainbody","8","8. Technology");
orders[191] = new Array("mainbody","9","9. 2011 Stars Awards - Celebrities Gallery");
orders[192] = new Array("inset1","4","4. Movies");
orders[193] = new Array("login","2","2. Login");
orders[194] = new Array("left_top","4","4. Advertisement");
orders[195] = new Array("right_top","5","5. Testimonials");
orders[196] = new Array("right_top","6","6. Hire Me");
orders[197] = new Array("right_top","7","7. Right column (right-top)");
orders[198] = new Array("right_bottom","44","44. Inline Rectangle di prima");
writeDynaList('name="jform[ordering]" id="jform_ordering"', orders, originalPos, originalPos, originalOrder);

<li><label id="jform_publish_up-lbl" for="jform_publish_up" class="hasTip" title="Inizio pubblicazione::Una data opzionale per iniziare la pubblicazione del modulo.">Inizio pubblicazione</label> <input type="text" title="" name="jform[publish_up]" id="jform_publish_up" value="0000-00-00 00:00:00" size="22" /><img src="/gk_music_quickstart_J25/administrator/templates/bluestork/images/system/calendar.png" alt="Calendario" class="calendar" id="jform_publish_up_img" /></li>

<li><label id="jform_publish_down-lbl" for="jform_publish_down" class="hasTip" title="Fine pubblicazione::Una data opzionale per terminare la pubblicazione del modulo.">Fine pubblicazione</label> <input type="text" title="" name="jform[publish_down]" id="jform_publish_down" value="0000-00-00 00:00:00" size="22" /><img src="/gk_music_quickstart_J25/administrator/templates/bluestork/images/system/calendar.png" alt="Calendario" class="calendar" id="jform_publish_down_img" /></li>

<li><label id="jform_language-lbl" for="jform_language" class="hasTip" title="Lingua::Assegna una lingua a questo modulo.">Lingua</label> <select id="jform_language" name="jform[language]">
<option value="*" selected="selected">Tutte</option>
<option value="en-GB">English (UK)</option>

<li><label id="jform_note-lbl" for="jform_note" class="hasTip" title="Nota::Una nota opzionale da visualizzare nella lista dei moduli.">Nota</label> <input type="text" name="jform[note]" id="jform_note" value="" size="35" maxlength="100"/></li>

<li><label id="jform_id-lbl" for="jform_id" class="hasTip" title="ID::Numero del record nel database">ID</label> <input type="text" name="jform[id]" id="jform_id" value="276" readonly="readonly"/></li>

<li> <input type="hidden" name="jform[module]" id="jform_module" value="mod_news_pro_gk4" /> <input type="text" size="35" value="News Show Pro GK4" class="readonly" readonly="readonly" /></li>

<li> <input type="text" size="35" value="Sito " class="readonly" readonly="readonly" />
<input type="hidden" name="jform[client_id]" id="jform_client_id" value="0" /></li>
<div class="clr"></div>
Descrizione </label>
<span class="readonly mod-desc"><style type='text/css'>span.readonly { padding: 10px; font-family: Arial; font-size:13px !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-align: justify; color: #4d4d4d; line-height: 24px; } span.readonly h1 { clear:both; font-family: Georgia, sans-serif; font-size:38px; margin:30px 20px 23px; padding:0px 0px 24px 10px; color:#333; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; font-weight: normal; } span.readonly p { margin: 0 26px 10px } span.readonly p a { color: #ab3f0a } span.readonly p.homepage { margin-top: 30px } span.readonly p.license { border-top: 1px solid #eee; font-size: 11px; margin: 30px 26px 0; padding: 6px 0; }</style><span class='readonly'><h1>News Show Pro GK4 <small>ver. 3.3.8</small></h1><p>GK4 is new generation of our extensions dedicated to Joomla 1.6+.</p><p>Basing on experiences gathered, we created probably the best tool to present articles for Joomla! Huge amount of options and possibilities of formatting causes News Show Pro GK4 is a complex tool in making www pages content attractive. News Show Pro is appropriate while preparing simple structures with an individual article, the same as, complex arrangements including few articles and a list of links.</p> <p class='homepage'><a href='' target='_blank'>Learn more at the NSP GK4 project website.</a></p><p class='license'>News Show Pro GK4 is released under the <a target="_blank" href="">GNU/GPL v2 license.</a></p></span></span>
<div class="clr"></div>

<div class="width-40 fltrt">
<div id="module-sliders" class="pane-sliders"><div style="display:none;"><div> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-gb" lang="en-gb" dir="ltr" >
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>500 - JDatabaseMySQLi::query: 1146 - Table 'nuvacanze.hbxu3_redshop_category' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT c.category_name AS name, c.category_id AS id, cxref.category_parent_id AS parent FROM hbxu3_redshop_category AS c LEFT JOIN hbxu3_redshop_category_xref AS cxref ON c.category_id = cxref.category_child_id WHERE c.published = 1 ORDER BY c.category_name, cxref.category_parent_id ASC</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/system/css/system.css" type="text/css" />
<link href="templates/bluestork/css/template.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

User avatar
Fresh Boarder

Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:37 pm

Please use english. I cannot understand and google translation makes no sense :(
User avatar

GK User
Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:49 am
GK4 the module does not work. the administrative side of the module is inaccessible. Now I installed gk5 and disappeared both items and the pictures on the side site.
User avatar
Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:30 pm
this is the error : he call the redshop. whi? my template is Music, i don't have redshop .
<h1>500 - Si è verificato un errore.</h1>
<p>JDatabaseMySQLi::query: 1146 - Table 'nuvacanze.hbxu3_redshop_category' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT c.category_name AS name, c.category_id AS id, cxref.category_parent_id AS parent FROM hbxu3_redshop_category AS c LEFT JOIN hbxu3_redshop_category_xref AS cxref ON c.category_id = cxref.category_child_id WHERE c.published = 1 ORDER BY c.category_name, cxref.category_parent_id ASC</p>
User avatar
Fresh Boarder

Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:57 pm

This must be a misconfiguration or wrong module version. Please send me an access to joomla panel. I'll check.
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