couldnt believe but it seems that NSP ist NOT supporting Wordpress Shortcodes?!
Can you recopmmend any Workaround or hack?
Cheers & thanks in advance
echo '<div class="gk-nsp-art gk-nsp-cols-'.$article_cols.'" '.$style.'>' . $art_output . '</div>';
echo '<div class="gk-nsp-art gk-nsp-cols-'.$article_cols.'" '.$style.'>' . do_shortcode($art_output) . '</div>';
$art_text = preg_replace('@\[.+?\]@mis', '', $art_text);
$art_text = do_shortcode($art_text);
joergwigger wrote:a few mor LITTLE problems ..
how to add some space between the articles inside nsp?
Show infoblock & readmore button are not working as configurated ..
cheers joerg
dziudek wrote:The readmore and info block are not working as it is configured, because it uses Article Format, which overrides most of the settings. If you need to change something in the layout structure you have to modify this file: https://github.com/GavickPro/GK-News-Sh ... ase.format