News show pro gk5 not retrieving categories from VM

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GK User
Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:13 pm
Hello i have the template Shop&Buy installed

My module is set in mode: Product Gallery II

Virtuemart ilanguage configuration is set to GREEK and the module language is set to GREEK. I can't make the module to retrieve my categories in Virtuemart. It only retrieves the ones that where set in the istallation and are in English(Sunglasses, Eyegalsses etc...).

How can i configure this? i don't want my site to be multilangual. I just want it GREEK
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Junior Boarder

Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:45 am

You need VM to have a Greek language products as well (at least categories). Than while selecting Greek language in joomla panel settings and configuring NSP module while still in Greek language You will be able to show products attached to a Greek language.
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GK User
Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:00 pm
Alright.. so i have a table jos_virtuemart_categories_el_gr where i have greek categories and greek products as well. I have set virtuemart language in Greek, and i have done it right, since i cannot see any of the english categories from the table jos_virtuemart_categories_en_gb in virtuemart.

My site default language in Language manager is set to Greek. Added also the language content in Greek.

I have also set the nsp module language to greek instead of ALL.

I can only see retrieving the english categories. I tried to make a new nsp module but the same. Should i try unistalling and installing the module from the beginning?
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Junior Boarder

Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:28 am

Yes this all language settings are correct, but in order form NSP to use Greek content You need to open Joomla panel and administer NSP module in while in Greek language. Which means You need a copy of NSP module for each language and administer it while using one.
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GK User
Wed Dec 04, 2013 4:28 pm

Sorry but i use joomla 4 years now and i am not familiar with the term "administer a module in". What does this mean?

Also you say to open Joomla panel... meaning what? Extensions-> language manager, site-> Global configuration? .. honestly i don't understand what you mean joomla Panel, please be more specific.

especially with the term "administer it while using one", how can i administer a module? i really don't know this option..

Thank you for your patience and please be more specific because it seems you know what to do, but i don't understand it
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Junior Boarder

Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:48 am

Those are not joomla related terms :) Just a regular expresions.

administer = configure
joomla panel = administrator part of the site

I'll try to explain one more time.

Please go to:

Now if You want NSP to show Greek categories select Greek language under user name and password and log into the administrator part of the site. Now in NSP settings You will be able to see Greek categories.

NSP is not supporting multilanguage, but this is a small trick I've found working for this problem.
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GK User
Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:51 pm
Teitbite you are a rockstar :P

I understood complete what you said but this is something that i could not even imagine. A hell of a trick you figured out over here!!!

Thanks a lot, i see my VM categories

Diekuje Bardzo!!!!
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Junior Boarder

Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:47 am

Yes this is ws a hard one :). I discovered it by accident. Glad I could help :)
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GK User
Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:14 pm

I had the same issue,which I was able to resolve as described above. Now the "read more"-button leads to an error 404-message.
Can you tell me how to solve this?

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Junior Boarder

Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:11 pm

Can I please see Your site.
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