Problem with pagination

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GK User
Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:28 am

i have a big problem with News Show Pro GK4 - with pagination.

I have setting: Module must be have 10 articles on 1 page with pagination. In site we have more than 100 articles. 10 first articles shows correctly but under 2 oldest articles shows don't correctly (they should not be). Pagination ends at No. 10 - not correctly.

In setting "Amount of pages with arts" if I set more than "10" module shows all articles or extend 10 articles on ex. 100 pages...

Please help me. Maybe my setting is not correctly?

In attachment my setting and screen with problem.


Witam serdecznie,

mam bardzo duży problem z szablonem Game News, a dokładniej z modułem News Show Pro GK4. Problem jest powiązany z paginacją.

Posiadam następujące ustawienie. Moduł ma pokazywać 10 artykuł na stronie wraz z paginacją. Na stronie już ponad 100 artykułów, i w momencie przekroczenia paginacji 10 stron moduł się wykrzacza. Mianowicie 10 pierwszych artykułów pojawia się prawidłowo, a poniżej tych 10, nieprawidłowo pojawiają się dwa najstarsze artykuły. Ponadto paginacja kończy się numerze 10.

Teoretycznie w ustawieniach modułu jest taka opcja jak "Amount of pages with arts", lecz jeśli ustawię więcej niż 10, to moduł albo się wykrzacza (albo wrzuca wszystkie newsy na stronie albo rozszerza artykuły na np. 100 stron - w przypadku ustawienia parametru na wartość 100).

Bardzo proszę o pilną pomoc gdzie tu jest problem? Może to ja coś źle ustawiam?

W załączeniu przesyłam screen pokazujący problem oraz ustawienia paginacji dla modułu.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:33 pm
Hello, is anybody here?
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:48 pm

First of all I apologize for the delay in the reply, but you have replied in your topic and it caused that it dissappeared from of our list of unanswered topics.

Regarding your question - could you provide an URL to your website? The problem will need adding additional CSS, because the NSP module isn't prepared for displaying so big amount of articles.
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GK User
Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:11 am
Thank you for the answer.

I will send you PM with URL.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:58 am
Please add in the gk.stuff.css file under the following rules:

Code: Select all
.nspPages1 { width: 100%; }
.nspPages2 { width: 200%; }
.nspPages3 { width: 300%; }
.nspPages4 { width: 400%; }
.nspPages5 { width: 500%; }
.nspPages6 { width: 600%; }
.nspPages7 { width: 700%; }
.nspPages8 { width: 800%; }
.nspPages9 { width: 900%; }
.nspPages10 { width: 1000%; }
.nspCol1 { width: 100%; }
.nspCol2 { width: 50%; }
.nspCol3 { width: 33.3%; }
.nspCol4 { width: 25%; }
.nspCol5 { width: 20%; }
.nspCol6 { width: 16.66%; }
.nspCol7 { width: 14.285%; }
.nspCol8 { width: 12.5%; }
.nspCol9 { width: 11.1%; }
.nspCol10 { width: 10%; }
.nspCol11 { width: 9.09%; }
.nspCol12 { width: 8.33%; }
.nspCol13 { width: 7.69%; }
.nspCol14 { width: 7.14%; }
.nspCol15 { width: 6.66%; }
.nspCol16 { width: 6.25%; }
.nspCol17 { width: 5.88%; }
.nspCol18 { width: 5.55%; }
.nspCol19 { width: 5.26%; }
.nspCol20 { width: 5%; }

this code fragment:

Code: Select all
.nspPages100 { width: 10000% }
.nspCol200 { width: 0.5%; }

Of course if you will change the settings, most probably you will have to add other CSS codes, because the pages are defaultly limit in CSS to 10 pages and columns are limited to 20 (due CSS optimalization).
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GK User
Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:49 am
Thank you very much, this is work :) But now (after changes) if i scroll to the next pages, NSP show part of image from next pages - please look attachment.

Code: Select all
.nspPages1 { width: 100%; }
.nspPages2 { width: 200%; }
.nspPages3 { width: 300%; }
.nspPages4 { width: 400%; }
.nspPages5 { width: 500%; }
.nspPages6 { width: 600%; }
.nspPages7 { width: 700%; }
.nspPages8 { width: 800%; }
.nspPages9 { width: 900%; }
.nspPages10 { width: 1000%; }
.nspPages11 { width: 1100%; }
.nspPages12 { width: 1200%; }
.nspPages13 { width: 1300%; }
.nspPages14 { width: 1400%; }
.nspPages15 { width: 1500%; }
.nspPages16 { width: 1600%; }
.nspPages17 { width: 1700%; }
.nspPages18 { width: 1800%; }

Please tell me, how I can fix it?
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:56 am
Please try to replace the columns code with this version (it comes from NSP GK5):

Code: Select all
.nspCol1 { width: 100%; }
.nspCol2 { width: 50%; }
.nspCol3 { width: 33.333333%; }
.nspCol4 { width: 25%; }
.nspCol5 { width: 20%; }
.nspCol6 { width: 16.666666%; }
.nspCol7 { width: 14.285714%; }
.nspCol8 { width: 12.5%; }
.nspCol9 { width: 11.111111%; }
.nspCol10 { width: 10%; }
.nspCol11 { width: 9.090909%; }
.nspCol12 { width: 8.333333%; }
.nspCol13 { width: 7.692307%; }
.nspCol14 { width: 7.142857%; }
.nspCol15 { width: 6.666666%; }
.nspCol16 { width: 6.25%; }
.nspCol17 { width: 5.882352%; }
.nspCol18 { width: 5.555555%; }
.nspCol19 { width: 5.263157%; }
.nspCol20 { width: 5%; }
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GK User
Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:19 pm
Now everything is ok :)

You are a genius :) Thank you very much :)
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Fresh Boarder
