I faced a bit of problem and thought it might concern you for future updates, or maybe at least a current quick alternative.
It's about Storebox and redSHOP; target is to make the closest similar look to the demo of Storebox & Virtuemart. I will only discuss the frontpage/homepage here.
In the demo you can find that NSP GK5 was used to display VM products on the homepage; however, NSP GK5 does not support redSHOP! So maybe you can use its predecessor, NSP GK4, because it supports redSHOP? But unfortunately, Storebox itself does not support NSP GK4!
I also tried to check a relevant topic https://www.gavick.com/forums/news-show-pro-gk4/nsp-gk4-v3-3-7-shows-nothing-26624.html, but it did not come in handy.
So maybe you can make NSP GK5 support redSHOP, or make Storebox support NSP GK4.
What do you think? Can this be done soon? Or is there an alternative to suggest in the meantime?