No choice to sort articles by rating

Free responsive Joomla 2.5 and 3.x module to present your content with easy and intuitive way.
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GK User
Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:36 pm
I'd like to put a "Top Rated" module on my site to display the highest rated stories by the K2 rating system, but with News Show Pro I can't. This is what shows up in the data source and display order options:


Is there a way to add a "by rating" option to the module and use the K2 rating system information?
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Senior Boarder

Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:38 pm

Sorry, but NSP is not supporting serting option "by rating". Ratings are stored in a different databse table, so it will require recoding of NSP engine to achieve this sort of customization.
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GK User
Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:19 pm
I saw your post about this in this thread:

Just wanted to ask if you were able to figure it out with that other user and thus had a solution lined up. I take it by your reply that you don't unfortunately. If there's no option with NSP do you know of any handy alternative options for this?

I guess it would be possible to use K2 content module and set it up like the NSP module. But I'm not sure what K2 template files to edit for that. I see where it says to use another template but it says to use a template in the director template/html/mod k2 content. The only K2 director in the template html folder I have is mod_k2_comments, no mod k2 content. I don't know where to start, and how to get it to use the proper text styles the same as NSP.

By default they look like this

and I'd like them both to look like the "Most Popular" NSP version.
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Senior Boarder

Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:41 pm

I was going to advice using K2 Tools instead. Please leave it as it is now and I'll help You style it to look like NSP.
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GK User
Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:17 pm
Awesome, thanks. I appreciate it :)
Just let me know if you need or otherwise to check things out.
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Senior Boarder

Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:54 pm

I just need to see Your page with K2 Tools module and an example of NSP module so I would know how You want it (can be a screenshot).
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GK User
Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:05 pm
I've sent you a PM with the site info.
The look I'm going for is in the screenshot above under "Most Popular" maybe with a bit smaller text.
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GK User
Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:43 am
I added this

Code: Select all
.k2ItemsBlock ul li a.moduleItemTitle:hover {
   color: #f2583e;

to the k2.css file and it seems to have worked to add the hover color effect. But I don't know how to get it to change the heading style h2 or h3 for example.

Spacing is an issue too but I'll work on spacing after the right text format is in there.
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Senior Boarder

Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:36 pm

I see Your message with question if I took care of it, but I have not received a message with site address. Can You please send it one more time ? Sorry I'm sick right now and probably messed something becuase of the fever ;/
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GK User
Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:10 pm
I don't know what you're on about because I sent you the PM and 2 days ago you logged in using that user account on my website but I sent it again.

I would like to get the text smaller too not sure if that's a heading class or something that can be changed in the module css separately.
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Senior Boarder

Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:01 pm

I've published "Top Rated" module and remembered why I have not replied than. I was going to ask about FTP access, but wasn't feeling well and left it for later. Must have forgot :( I'm very sorry for that.

Anyway I'm afraid it's not possible to make this change without modification to module files. Please create new folder in template's /html called /mod_k2_content than make a new style by creating new folder /like_nsp and move this file inside (unzip it first). When You do that please let me know, so I'll be able to finish.
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GK User
Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:36 pm
Alright it's added, should be able to switch the style to like_nsp. (Did you want the MAC folder uploaded too? I put it in there with the other file anyway)

Hope you start feeling better soon m8!
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Senior Boarder

Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:15 pm

Mac folder was added by mistake. Sorry, I always forget that this will be added to zip file.

Thanks for ftp access. It was a lot easier to make it with it. I've changed the file I gave You one more time and applied an exact HTML You have for NSP, so there should be no problems with styles. Please take a look.
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GK User
Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:52 pm
I tried disabling the image, intro text and read more button in the module settings but it's still showing. Is that something that's hard-coded into the new file? Or is there another way to disable it? (See "Most Popular" module beside it on website) Sorry to bug so much.

Edit: I went in and took those lines from the file and it looks good! I just need to play with the padding to get it to match the NSP module title text. IF removing those lines in the default.php file is ok, should be good! Thank you very much.
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Senior Boarder

Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:18 pm

I've copied the HTML code of NSP module exactly, so was not paying attention to enabling/disabling options. So removing it from the file was the only option. Sorry, I assumed matching it exactly is what You asked for. If You want I can add this options. Just let me know.
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GK User
Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:16 pm
I'll only ask you to add it if it isn't hard and doesn't take long. Currently I think I'll only be interested in the title but I can't say for sure if I'd want to use the module differently in the future. You've helped a lot already I don't want to make you do a lot of work if it's not necessary. But if it doesn't take much and you don't mind I'd gladly appreciate it.
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Senior Boarder

Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:21 pm

It's not a big deal becuase I will just copy conditions from old file, but I can see You have removed most of my code already. Anyway if You want to show just titles, than You may remove this style override and use a default module style instead. Than all settings to show options will work.
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GK User
Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:17 am
Your style still has the most important stuff.
With the K2 tools module default style it wasn't using the proper css. The title was a different heading class and the hyperlink actions weren't working with the rest of the template. I didn't know how to change that, but you did :D

I still have your original file and will definitely use it in other places too.

Plus I was just experimenting since the options didn't turn them off.
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Senior Boarder

Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:59 am

Ok. So just not to mess anymore with that, this is my proposition. If You have old file, than You can just manipulate with it by creating new styles. It's easy. Simply create new folder and it will show in module template settings. This way You will have full control from within the file. Is it ok ?
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