Thanks! That got me started, but there were a couple of problems which I've now fixed - here's how.
First, the CSS override applied only to the right hand module with the "Read More"s, so I duplicated those lines and applied to .banner .nspArt .nspContainer .nspHeader - that fixed everything in Chrome and Firefox.
Internet Explorer took on a new problem (see screenshot) - it looks like something goes wrong in the width calculation when the width for .banner .nspArt .nspContainer .nspHeader is set to "auto". I've bodged a solution by defining this width in override.css, which is OK for my current captions (and has the nice side effect of harmonising the layout a bit) but will obviously need checking if I use any long words in future!
Here is the final code which now appears in my override.css, which makes things look the same in Firefox, Chrome and IE (and Safari on iPhone):
- Code: Select all
.banner .nspArt .nspContainer .readon + .nspHeader {
width: 75px!important;
.banner .nspArt .nspContainer .readon + .nspHeader a {
display: table-caption;
.banner .nspArt .nspContainer .nspHeader {
width: 75px!important;
.banner .nspArt .nspContainer .nspHeader a {
display: table-caption;
Thanks for your help. I would love to know if there is a better solution which preserves a dynamic width calculation and works in all browsers!