word wrap GK4 around image

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GK User
Sat May 19, 2012 1:21 am
Hoping I can find this - I'm using News Pro GK4 on my home page in mainbody gk4 word wrap needed, data source is k2 article, looking to wrap the text around the image. Currently the image is left alinged but text starts below image. k2 article title shows at the top which is fine. See screen shot.
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GK User
Mon May 21, 2012 5:44 pm
additional note: I've tried all the possible modifications inside the article layout options of float image and-or text. Regardless of the settings there, the body of text always aligns left under the image. I'm obviously doing something wrong, would love a tip here... thanks!
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GK User
Tue May 22, 2012 1:48 am
Hi buddy,

Try adding this code to CSS Override:
Code: Select all
.nspArt p.nspText {
    margin-top: 0 !important;
    padding-left: 10px;
    width: 67%;

Then let me know if it helps.

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GK User
Tue May 22, 2012 10:02 pm
Hi Don,

Near misses on your suggestion here for CSS override. I'm using the GK4 extensively in my site (I really love the various features of it), BUT fine tuning will be the key to making it presentable... it’s almost there. If you can figure out these questions below, I'll be able to replicate my additional module creations (if you can figure them out, hopefully not too wishful in my goal for using GK4 and K2 together?).

Here's where I'm at; my screen shot incorporates the override from your last post:
wishful edits.png

RED 1 Box - I'm showing “GGH TPI Forum” a temporary module name, temp demo image, and temp article name showing. I would like to center this area better, I'm guessing padding issues? I can play with size of the image to make it fit better, and not show the module name (or not show article title). I prefer an H-size of GGH TPI Forum best. I think SEO may be more effective showing the article title, and hiding module name. What’s the best method for styling the H-size of K2 article titles that are shown inside the GK4?

RED 1 Box, the ARROW shows that the text body is mis-aligned – coming from the CSS override mentioned above. I think the 67% override - I think that's where it comes from. Suggestions?

RED 2 Box: obviously same kind of issue where it just isn't formatting in this box correctly.
BUT, the EXTRA problem in both RED 2 and RED 3 is both articles in K2 are written to have paragraphs, but that formatting is dropped inside of GK4, so my paragraphs all string together. Help!

Another issue on RED 2 is I have a link embedded into the K2 article, I’ve named the link, the link (cut off in srcn shot) is pulling into GK4, BUT it shows the actual URL and drops the friendly view of just the name of the link I've given it.

RED 3: CIRCLE: here I am using the article name, hiding module name, but again H-size too small for the article, what’s the best method for styling the H-size of K2 article titles that are shown inside the GK4?

RED 3: ARROW: in a perfect world, the text would continue a flow that goes under the image (at the appropriate padding) rather then a lot of dead-white-space, then a read more link. Suggestions? NOTE: text left padding on this at 10px is a little tight, may be looking for a bit more space - at 67%, it doesn’t work when I adjust the CSS padding to 15px+ override.

RED 4: I will be creating new text here, it's placeholder now. As I add that text, I'm also looking for the alignment to also be another text-wrap to the right of the image, like the module we started on above it. Ditto on padding left would be too small if at 10px. Maybe go 15 or 20px for both RED 3 and RED 4.

I'm golden if I can get through these adjustments... if not, I'll need to really figure out how far back this sets me back (I’ve already prep’d all my articles and content into K2, I really hope to utilize the cross-functionality of K2 and GK4). I don't want to change gears and drop the use of GK4 as it does so many things I'm looking for in the long-run. My fingers are crossed, you seem like a rock star on this stuff, so I'm hopefully... :roll:

Thanks for your patience on all of this! Scott
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GK User
Wed May 23, 2012 1:16 pm
I was about to go to die when first seeing that long post :D since I've lost your site link so I can't check it, can you please provide again then I will try to help you out with all the issues above, don't worry!

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GK User
Wed May 23, 2012 10:55 pm
...I know, frighteningly long... figured it would be clearly to just lay it all out in one since it all kind of overlaps the same topic. www.golfsgreatheritage.com

let me know what you think, if you can stay awake rereading that post ;)
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GK User
Thu May 24, 2012 12:30 am
btw, on the issue of the advisory title not showing up for the embedded link - it seems to be a problem inside either k2 or inside the editor because it appears that the article isn't showing it correctly either, so it's not a GK4 question. I'll work on that part of the question(s) and advise further on that one.
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GK User
Thu May 24, 2012 12:50 am
yep, fixed that link advisory name attribute problem with CodeMirror editor. so scratch that one off.
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GK User
Thu May 24, 2012 10:42 pm
Don - you're going to go nuts, hopefully not... hold off on the requests, I'm going to make some changes that will null and void what we talked about on this post. I know I'll still to resolve some of this, but I'm going to make some major layout changes, so need to work that out. I'll ping you back in a week or so. Sorry for my lack of organization here, I'm learning as I go (obviously). Thanks, Scott
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GK User
Fri May 25, 2012 12:05 am
Sorry man I actually was hehe but go on man do the changes first and I will wait to see what you will have done to help if there would be some problems then. Don't hesitate to let me know whenever you need any help, I'm always around.

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GK User
Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:23 am
Hi Don, I had a problem today - I was editing and adding articles in k2, code was simple stuff inside the article only, nothing in module mngmt/etc.

Yet after several hours of work, my home page now loads white/blank, only thing that load is the menus. What could this be caused by? It's never done that, I have no idea what is causing this. I've cleared cache/site maintenance. I've given the issue half the day and still its the same.

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GK User
Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:08 am
Hi Scott,

There may be some problem in the content of the article like missing some tag.. Have you tried disabling that article to check if the site works back?
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GK User
Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:26 pm
I thought about that, so at your suggestion I unpublished any article I was in, cleared cache, still the issue. Although, I need to revise what I initially said - in fact when I scroll to the bottom of the home page, I count a total of four modules that do show up (but they are not located correctly), and other items that were there are now gone. So it looks like a BUNCH of white space at the top, three modules, a BUNCH moe white space, then another module, then the footer.

One added thing, I did attempt a few changes to correct something that I've been ignoring - was going to bring it up later, but maybe its related. I was getting this issue where (regardless of browser, refreshing, or clearing cache) my modules would sometimes be mis-aligned where the mainbody would act like the right side was at about the 50% mark (of the total page) then the right side bar would shift to the left and the right 25% of the page was not used. This would sometimes just go away on it's own, but many times I just dealt with it while working on the backend stuff.

So, I went in to the template manager and checked the two templates I use, One had percentages in the 6 columns (but they didn't cumpute, so I zero'd them all). The other template already was zero across. I thought zero's would be correct, but maybe you can take a look and see if the column %'s are "OK".

Note: other web pages use these templates too, and are not being adversely affected....

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GK User
Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:58 am
Don, sorry (again), I'm retarded! I found the old template column settings which I zero'd, when restored it worked again. I still know this is where the other (shifting left),problem is, but I'll work on it. Again, glad ALL YOU GUYS at Gavick are very patient with amateur hour here... Will get back on future needs, but everything hunky dory now.
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GK User
Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:41 pm
Cool, you would be familiar with the template soon :) Feel free to ask if you need any other assistance.

Have a nice day,
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