I am using the following
Joomla! 2.5.4
Template: gk_black_and_white v2.8
Extension: News Show Pro GK4 ver. 3.1.2
Module Mode: Normal Mode (3 columns)
The site works perfectly in Chrome and FireFox but the module looks like it looses width settings in I.E and columns are displayed on top of each other. I'm a bit of a newbie. Can anyone help??
The easiest way to explain the problem is with images - sorry for the bad quality.
Test1.jpg is how it should look i.e. how it looks in Chrome
Test.jpg is how it looks in Explorer
It seems that in all places where I use News Show Pro GK4 something is not working properly when in Internet Explorer
Oh, site is at www.go-africa.co.za/adwell