It doesn´t matter how many options you include in your fantastic and great module that someone (me this time) will came asking for another option.
In order to satisfy a customer requirement (its a Restaurant and they have a K2 item for the daily menu and they don´t want to create a new one every day and prefer to modify the item).
The problem cames when show the date. The module only supports create and publish date. In order to automatize and make easier for my customer I would like to add the modified date to the Used Date module option.
I have changed the xml creating another one and created a new language string in the .ini file.
I have reach the conclusion that the modification must be in gk.source.k2.php in gk_classes folder. And I am almost sure that must be in the sql query.
I think that date_publish get the value from publish_up field. But not too much.
I am confused where in the code make the check of the date_publish value assigned in the backend module configuration.
Can you give me a guideline, please ?
I know that if I manage to this it will be lost if I update the module so I give you like a future feature suggestion if you don´t mind
Thanks for your time and support.