I'm using News Show Pro GK4 (v3.3) with Joomla 1.5 and I'd like to take advantage of the functionality that creates a default image when one is not presented in the article, however this image isn't created.
This is what I have tried so far:
1. I created an image in the /modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/default/ folder and named it default.newspro1.png (where newspro1 is also my module id).
2. I turned on "create thumbnails"
3. I also tried "automatic module id" on and off but that didn't make a difference
Is there anything I'm missing? I notice that in the file layout.parts there is a section dedicated to creating a default image (lines 70-83 ) but this isn't happening for me.
- Code: Select all
if($config['create_thumbs'] == 1 && $IMG_SOURCE != ''){
// try to override standard image
if(strpos($IMG_SOURCE,'http://') == FALSE) {
if(NSP_GK4_Thumbs::createThumbnail($IMG_SOURCE, $config, false, false, $IMG_REL) !== FALSE) {
$uri = &JURI::getInstance();
$IMG_SOURCE = $uri->root().'modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/'.NSP_GK4_Thumbs::translateName($IMG_SOURCE,$config['module_id']);
} elseif($config['create_thumbs'] == 1) {
if(is_file(JPATH_ROOT.DS.'modules'.DS.'mod_news_pro_gk4'.DS.'cache'.DS.'default'.DS.'default'.$config['module_id'].'.png')) {
$IMG_SOURCE = $uri->root().'modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/default/default'.$config['module_id'].'.png';
} else
} elseif($config['create_thumbs'] == 1) {
if(is_file(JPATH_ROOT.DS.'modules'.DS.'mod_news_pro_gk4'.DS.'cache'.DS.'default'.DS.'default'.$config['module_id'].'.png')) {
$IMG_SOURCE = $uri->root().'modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/default/default'.$config['module_id'].'.png';
Please help!