Sorry, but i do not understand all this. You tried, it does not work , i try, it does not work, i just want to know if you can fix it. Because i use it for exactly the same feature it has been presented for.
I also want to knwo why do you always lock my messages, i really need help, maybe others custumers have face same issue and have the solution.
I also have a problem with "Module News Show Pro GK4" ... I just tried to load some articles i entered the articles ID and it does not show.
You have access try to login and see yourself.
Finally, what is your word, is it that the template does not work ? Or what ? If it works, make it work concretly, if it does not work, tell us sincerely that the modules of template do not work and you can not make them work, then we know. Anwseres are not really clear sir.
Does it work ? If yes, you have access, make it work, if no, tell us clearly that it doesn't.