To use the great NEWS PRO GK4 module from Gavick with SEBLOD 2.0, just insert in "" file (located at modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/tmpl) on line 35 the code below:
- Code: Select all
if(JComponentHelper::isEnabled('com_cck', true)){
// Force parsing plugin if SEBLOD is used
if($this->config['parse_plugins'] == FALSE) {
$news_text = JHtml::_('content.prepare', $news_text);
$news_text = trim(substr(strip_tags( $news_text,"<br /><br><strong></strong><p></p><i></i><b></b><span></span><ul></ul><li></li><blockquote></blockquote>"),6));
Just a note to the Gavick admin team, it will be better to apply Joomla plugin process before to cut text. Like this if some caracters or words are changed by a plugin, you count well on the output.
Best Regards