Fred I don't know what Rock you've been spending your time under but IS is a wonderful and flexible tool that I wouldn't do a site without, and I do a hell of a lot of them.. 10 - 20 a month.
1. With the ability to use other template styles I can mix and match any combination that you could EVER imagine, including the concept that you've been trying to do.
2. It's been updated regularly, I don't know who the hell they got coding for IS now but he, she, (they) kicking ass, and I know good coding when I see it.
3 There is a tradeoff when it comes to flexibility, the more flexible a module is, the harder modules are to configure and work with. If you want a " Nooby Module with everything lined out for you.. IS may not be it. But as a professional I can't be limited to just joomla and K2. IS has the flexibility to include anything I want to link those images to. Sobi, Virtumart, Redshop, Jomsocial, Facebook, Another Site, anything I want.
4. If you know CSS, IS is amazing, They separated the code from the CSS, a lot of modules code get in the damned way when your trying to style the module, not IS. The designer of IS was obviously aware of that issue and created a wonderful balance of power, function, edit-ability, and flexibility.
IS is not your problem bro.