Removing the date

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GK User
Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:13 pm
How do you remove article dates from this module? I saw that this question was asked earlier but the thread was closed and I saw no resolution.
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Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:18 am
Hi There, came looking for an answer to this.. only to find questions, so after some experimenting... here is what I managed to do. Admittedly this is a 'hack' so I’m not sure if it will suite you but here is what I did.

1st try (unsuccessful)

Im using the Financial Business template, and the Financhial Business layout GK4, but it should work for others I am guessing ( but using the relicvant files for your template ).. Looking in the module code file: modulesmod_new_pro_gk4gk_classesgk_modesgk.portal.mode.3.php - (because I am using portal 3 mode) I searched for and removed the code "<div class="nspDate">' . $news_date . '</div>"

Unfortunately, this killed the accordion collapse in the front end.. ( have no idea why - or the time to work it out right now )

2nd try (Simpler and worked)

File: modulesmod_new_pro_gk4interfacecssstyle.portal.mode.3.css

Find class: .nspMainPortalMode3 .nspTitleTab .nspDate - and add display: none; - GONE and everything still works

Of course it would depend on what style you are using and may require extra css to clean up the layout of that particular style, but in my instance it worked.

Of course I would still be interested in anyone’s comments on 'the right/best' way to do it.. Can it be done through templating system - ie: Not hack )

I was a little surprised that taking out of the .php would cause this issue.. it means that the templating system is very interdependent and making more changes that cant be done via css looks to be difficulty, but... this work for me this time.

Hope that helps.
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GK User
Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:38 am
i cant recall if Financial business do have CSS Override option in template options, if it does enable it and make your css changes to cssoverride.css. This way only keeping a backup copy of override.css will keep your changes intact if you do update your template in the future.

So you can include below code in override.css
Code: Select all
/* Removes Date from News Show Pro GK4 Portal Mode 3 */
.nspMainPortalMode3 .nspTitleTab .nspDate {
    display: none;
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GK User
Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:11 pm
This works perfectly for me (I'm using The World News II, by the way). Thanks for the feedback.
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GK User
Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:22 am
Is overide.css in the module files itself? I am using this extension with a third-party template and will like to remove the data column as well for the portal mode - accordion news layout.

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GK User
Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:18 am
omojesu wrote:Is overide.css in the module files itself? I am using this extension with a third-party template and will like to remove the data column as well for the portal mode - accordion news layout.


Override.css is a feature of GK Templates and it is not available in module itself. What you can do is edit modules css file and change css itself.
Going by Version 2.9 joomla 1.7 which is latest version.
Find File: /modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/interface/css/style.portal.mode.3.css
Find Line: 6
Which is below
Code: Select all
.nspMainPortalMode3 .nspTitleTab .nspDate { float: left; font-size: 11px; color: #b3b6b7; padding: 0 20px; border-right: 1px solid #e5e5e5; line-height:12px; height: 12px; margin-top: 15px; }

Replace it with below
Code: Select all
.nspMainPortalMode3 .nspTitleTab .nspDate { display:none ; }

This will hide Date Column in NSP Portal Mode 3 Accordion.

See you around...
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