Conflict with Artisteer Templates?

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GK User
Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:58 am
I have just setup a new template on a Joomala 1.7 website and installed the News Show Pro Module (the correct one for 1.7). When i activate the template i have just created in Artisteer then all the functionality is gone and none of the navigation links work, so i assume it's some kind of conflict with the javascript or something in the template, any ideas how i can find out what is causing it?, thnaks.
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GK User
Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:16 pm
I find that on the front page of the site i get this error reported:

Fx.Scroll is not a constructor
[Break On This Error] var art_scroller = new Fx.Scroll(m...ansition: $G['animation_function']});
engine.js (line 160)

and just to note it only seems not to work on the front (home) page, as on the news page it works fine.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:32 pm
Artisteer... Is that still around? :woohoo:

Believe when I say that software is nothing but garbage.

You should use Dreamweaver with Joomla Extension Template Builder, will make you understand more how things work and speed it up.

Artisteer is only good to skin, plain and basic templates, when it comes to functionality, it's a total drop-down.
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GK User
Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:07 am
Hi, yes it is still around and i only use it for building the basic structure. All the rest i put in by hand as it's still pretty limiting on what you can do appearance wise. I have used it for many sites but this is the first 1.7 version and i've never had any problems with Gavick extensions in the past, but like i said this is the first time i have used them in a 1.7 version.

As far as i know the template builder extension expired at version 1.5 of Joomla.

Still no help though when it comes to my issue.
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