Hi there, having an issue with newsshowpro GK4
Joomla 1.7
Newsshowpro v1.6
Trying to utilize the STRFTIME variables with the module, under article layout - getting some really weird output from the module when attempting to output the date and time of the article in the way I feel looks best.
This doesn't seem to be working at all correctly, no matter what I put in there for STFRTIME variable, it outputs wrong.
for example:
gives the output:
where it should be:
I am interested in the format "Mon, Aug 1, 2011 - 4:54 AM" but after playing with this a little bit, I think this is a bug in the module at this point.
Normally these variables are supposed to have a % in front of them, but the default in the module does not utilize them.
If anyone could provide some assistance with this, it would be much appreciated