Module "Frontpage Header" not loading K2 items

October 2015 Joomla Template
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GK User
Sat Aug 19, 2017 9:52 pm
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I am running Joomla v3.7.5 with K2 v.2.8.0. I updated yesterday. However, my problem existed before the updates in Joomla v3.7.4 with K2 v2.7.1, so the problem is not related to the update.

Also, I am running Additional Categories for K2 v1.0.2 from That was installed prior to the Joomla and K2 updates, with steps 1, 2, 3a and 4 completed as described here: ... categories

After the Joomla and K2 updates, I verified that the changes from those steps were still in place, and where they were not, put them back in place.

I have set the module "Frontpage Header" to retrieve K2 items only from K2 category "Lead Stories". I have 6 K2 articles configured as follows.

Title = "Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said intercepted plane"
Category = "World"
Additional Category = "Lead Stories"

Title = "President Barack Obama emotionally addressed the nation"
Category = "Lead Stories"
Additional Category = "Nation"

Title = "Air Force Base Airmen supporting the Operation Noble Eagle alert mission"
Category = "Nation"
Additional Category = "Lead Stories"

Title = "Politicians have to be committed to people in equal measures"
Category = "Politics"
Additional Category = "Lead Stories"

Title = "After losing to Obama, what should Mitt Romney do next?"
Category = "Politics"
Additional Category = "Lead Stories"

Title = "Germany’s Iron Lady: Angela Merkel’s cautious response to the euro crisis"
Category = "Economy"
Additional Category = "Lead Stories"

I have menu options for each of those categories. All 6 K2 items show in "Lead Stories" when I click that menu option. Each of the 6 K2 items shows up in the appropriate menu option based on category or additional category assigned.

The only place the K2 items don't show correctly is in the module "Frontpage Header". It only retrieves the one K2 item of the six where the main category "Lead Stories" is assigned. It doesn't retrieve the other five K2 items where "Lead Stories" is assigned as an additional category. So, the problem is with "Frontpage Header".

If you need access to the site, please contact me via email and I will provide access. Thank you in advance.
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:24 am
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Header is using News Show Pro GK5 module which does not support Additional Categories for K2, so it will not work. Try setting the category as a prior, same way it was without this plugin. If this will not work than I;m afraid You will need to look for a different module.
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GK User
Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:04 pm
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The "it's not supported" answer seems to be just a dismissal of a real problem. From the Additional Categories for K2 developer: "In order to avoid any conflicts there is no interfere with the default K2 category assignment procedure neither any core functionality of the K2 component." This means the core K2 functionality should be preserved. If K2 is retrieving those articles in other places, why isn't NSP GK5 capable of using core K2? Seems like the problem is with NSP GK5 not fully supporting K2...
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:38 pm
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NSP is only using core K2 functionality since Additional Categories plugin is extending it. This extension requires a changes to database queries which is not implemented in NSP, that's why this plugin is not supported by our module.
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GK User
Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:48 pm
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So, are you saying that the queries in NSP are non-standard? I have other modules querying K2 that do not specifically support the Additional Categories plugin but are retrieving the correct data using the standard query of K2. Please provide the location of the specific file(s) NSP uses to perform the queries. I will compare it against the database structure and see more.
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:18 pm
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Inside module's folder in /mod_news_pro_gk5/data_sources/com_k2/model.php You will find all queries.
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