Using white space on sides for ads

October 2015 Joomla Template
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GK User
Mon Jul 03, 2017 11:01 am
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Good day
My manager wants to use the blank space on the sides of the website for ads that we can sell to our listeners.
I am busy to refresh our current website from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3. We bought the News theme.

This is what the website looks like:

Is there a way I can put ads on the left side of the website? (There is no module positions) My manager got consultation from another company that we can use the unused space.

Thank you very much

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Fresh Boarder

Thu Jul 06, 2017 12:00 pm
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I'm afraid this is a customisation and we do not support that. But here You will find instruction about houw to add new module positions: ... e-position
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