Pagination at category view

September 2015 Joomla Template
GK User
Fri Aug 05, 2016 10:03 pm

I've been experiencing problems with pagination at category view, some categories it display, and others it is not showing.
Is there a limit of articles for the category to able pagination? The question is counting there at least 11 articles are needed to able pagination if display are set to 10 articles per page.

This one [url][/url] is not working
This one [url][/url] is working
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:15 am

If You want to show 10 articles per page and show pagination You need to have at least 11 articles. Also pagination needst to be enabled in this category configuration.
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GK User
Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:33 am
Hi teitbite,
So there is something wrong, it is enable in category, also subcategory, it is enable at the menu, and it has more than 11 articles. What else could be wrong?
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:14 am
I also would like to know where to change number of articles to display per page, is it in the pagination.php?
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:39 pm
Just to complement, I've done done some test and it is behaving very strange, when I add some more articles up to 20 it shows the pagination and the new articles included at the category, but not the ones that where before. All the articles are displayed normal and actives if you search for then, in the correct category. The problem is just for category view list.
If you display then by tag, it works ok. Just the text limit, in tag views list, I could not change, so it is showing the picture from one side and the all article by the other side.
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:27 pm

I think I see what can be wrong. Except for the visible articles You also have a couple of articles below in a form of links, but they are hidden with a code added to override.css:

Code: Select all
.item-more-links {
    display: none !important;

please disable showing "more links" in category settings.
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GK User
Sat Aug 13, 2016 3:20 am
Hi teitbite,

Thank you for the advice I know what you mean when you wrote about the links that where hided by css, but this code refers to inside the article correct? I'm talking about outside the article, at the category view, but the code is removed now, and was also disabled at the category options.

Still with the same problem, the links for the pagination are not showing, also as I told you when I include some more articles at the categories that are not showing pagination it behave wrong, the articles that were included before at the category are only appearing the first 10 articles

Let's say "category 1":
I have 15 articles (only showing 10, because there is no pagination ) when I include new articles, to make number of articles more than 20 (from other categories just as a test) the pagination works and the new articles included show up, but not the other 5 that were not enabling the pagination. :roll:

It seams to me pagination limit is 10 per page, but page is not enable with less than 10 articles. But i know it is not true, the categories that shows pagination has got at the last page less than 10 articles

The curiosity in that case, when i duplicate this 5 articles that were already at the category, as it is set to display by order, only display one old item followed by one duplicated one, up to show the number of articles duplicated, in this case 5:

15 articles + 5 duplicated = 15 showing

It occurs in all categories with less than 20 articles.
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Aug 17, 2016 2:59 pm

I wasn't talking about more links in article page, but on layout page, where You can see pagination. I can see You've removed Your code to hide that. Please look at screenshot. It shows 10 leading articles and than I think 10 in "More links". In category settings You need to set the "More links" to 0, so there will be articles which will not make it to be shown and pagination will be displayed.
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