Pricing tables from Cloudhost

September 2015 Joomla Template
GK User
Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:17 pm
Would you like to help me if it is possible to use pricing tables (from homepage and regular style) from Cloudhost template in the Technews template.
As I can understand I should paste such html code in the module:
Code: Select all
<h1 class="gkBigTitle">Cloud managed hosting</h1>
<p>With over 50 operating system installations available, design, develop and deploy your custom, scalable, secure cloud environment in under a minute! To get started select the amount of resources you will need from the slider below&hellip;</p>

<div class="gkColorPriceTable col3">
<dd class="gkPrice"><span>Starting from:</span>$ 19.99<small> /month</small></dd>
<dd>30 GB Space</dd>
<dd>100 GB Traffic</dd>
<dd>100 Mailboxes</dd>
<dd>PHP, Perl/CGI, MySQL</dd>
<dd class="gkLink"><a href="#">More</a></dd>

<dl class="gkPremium">
<dd class="gkPrice"><span>Starting from:</span>$ 499.99<small> /month</small></dd>
<dd>5000 GB Space</dd>
<dd>5 TB Traffic</dd>
<dd>200 Mailboxes</dd>
<dd>PHP, Perl/CGI, MySQL</dd>
<dd class="gkLink"><a href="#">More</a></dd>

<dl class="gkColor">
<dt>Cloud VPS</dt>
<dd class="gkPrice"><span>Starting from:</span>$ 39.99<small> /month</small></dd>
<dd>200 GB Space</dd>
<dd>500 GB Traffic</dd>
<dd>200 Mailboxes</dd>
<dd>PHP, Perl/CGI, MySQL</dd>
<dd class="gkLink"><a href="#">More</a></dd>

But what and where should I post as the css...
Thanks a lot for your help
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Apr 25, 2016 2:57 pm
Is there anybodt who could help me?
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Fresh Boarder

Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:24 am
I’m afraid that modifications such as this require extensive changes to the theme’s code; I do apologize but such large changes are custom work that are beyond the scope of our technical support.
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GK User
Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:12 pm
No worries. Thanks a lot for your reply.
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Fresh Boarder

Mon May 02, 2016 11:30 am

Sorry I couldn't help more. Thread closed.
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