3 problems with the menu

Support desk for Villa Belluci Joomla Hotel Template
GK User
Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:59 pm
Hello to all,
I have 3 differents problems with the menu of this site:

1) layout
in the english version, the menu appear with the "dots" align correctly; in the others language, the dot that follows the item menu "home" appears in the high position, not inline with the other points.
If in english version is ok, the problem should not be the code, because it should be the same for all.
How can I fix?

2) the link home
the "home" item menu, in all language version, link on italian homepage?
I think I do something wrong in the settings. What?

3) the most important problem - K2 why?
- a very strange problem (for me) -
I created all the menu items and I have not had any problems. But now, creating also a menu (trivial) item "single article", the system creates url like this:
http://www.ostellodeglielefanti.it/host ... l-catania/k2-extra-field-groups/hostel-crew
Why joomla inserts this: k2-extra-field-groups ???
The item menu is a "single article" linked to the normal article of the "content manager" (the template hides the content of article and shows only the modules - I think this is ok); therefore, why the url includes "k2"?

Another similar thing occur with the menu item "contactos", in the Spanish menu.
In all menu (it, en, fr, de) the contacts link is ok; in the Spanish version has the same problem "k2":

There is something wrong in my settings?

Thanks in advance for the help.
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:35 pm

1. Add this to override.css:
Code: Select all
#gkHeaderNav .gkMainMenu .gkmenu > li > span {
padding: 0;

2. There are couple of methods for multiple language content. If You will tell me what method You've used than I'll be able to tell how to solve it. Did You:
- used separeted template style per language to use different menu
- made all elements in one menu and just attached to proper language
- used Falang to translate elements

3. This looks to be some database problem. Try run a "repair" on database to be sure there are not crossed rows. Go through all the menu items (trash included) and remove everything You are sure You will not use. MAKE A BACKUP BEFORE THIS STEP!
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GK User
Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:32 pm
sorry for delay in my response, but I had an accident and was not operational.

1. I added in override.css the indicated code, but nothing has changed

2. I use different templates and menus for each language

3. I deleted all unused items (even from the trash). I tried to repair (with phpmyadmin) all of the db table. The problem has not been solved

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:14 pm

1. You do not have override.css file used on Your website. Please in template settings set option "Override" to Yes.

2. In that case there should be 3 separate main menus for each language. Each of this menus needs to have a Home element, set as default element for a different language. Than each of template styles needs to be uding a different menu.

3. I think some inner error in database. Not with a broken table as I thought previously, but I think menu item IDs are messed up and some of the joomla panel menus are used in a process of creating url. This should be a question asked to joomla developers, but please send me an access to database manager. I'll look for this elements and see if I'm right.
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GK User
Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:27 am
1. I did not know that the override it must be enabled.
With others templates it is sufficient publish the files override.css
Now it works correctly

2. Sorry, I did not understand
I have a main menu with a default home.
The site has 5 different languages.

I have 5 different menu, a menu for each language (menu_en, menu_fr, etc.)
Each of these menus has its default home (for that language).
Each of these home element is associated with home element of other languages.

Then I have 5 different templates. I have a template for each language.
Each of these template refers to the menu of their own language.

What is missing?

3. I have sent a private message with the access data to the db.

Great support. Thank You
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:01 pm

2. All look to be ok, but I think a menu for default site language needs to have site's default home elements for ALL languges. So I've changed Home in Italian to be default for ALL. Please check.

3. I can see that every menu has an extra element. Unvisible in menu manager. I have no idea where it came from unfortunately. Must have been created during K2 update because of some wrong mysql query.

Code: Select all
(1202, 'menu-en', 'K2_EXTRA_FIELD_GROUPS (3)', 'k2-extra-field-groups-3', '', 'k2-extra-field-groups-3', 'index.php?option=com_k2&view=extrafieldsgroups', 'component', -2, 1, 1, 10030, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 1, 'class:component', 0, '{}', 207, 208, 0, '', 1)

I would advice to make a backup of database and delete this rows from menu table directly. Than check if the aliases in links are gone.
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GK User
Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:38 pm
2. ... really, my problem was just that.
if (for example) a user is in any secondary page in French and he click on home element, he is expected to go on the home in French; so for the other languages.
Anyway, I set everything as before ... as if by magic, now it seems to work.

3. I saw the menu table via phpMyAdmin and I veryfied the elements that are not seen by menu manager of CMS. I deleted it and now it seems to work.

Thank You so much.
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:08 pm

So everything looks to be ok now. Maybe both problems was connected with this extra menu items in database. Hopefully it will not cause problems again.
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