Mobile content not loading with cookie consent overlay

Support desk for Villa Belluci Joomla Hotel Template
GK User
Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:58 am
I have built a page on this template and I am not sure, if it's a template or module issue. This is the observation:

I am using the built-in cookie consent of this template. No matter if explicit or implicit, if I open the page on a mobile browser (Chrome and Tuga tested) the content of the website gets shown a tiny moment before the page turns grey and only the cookie consent overlay is visible. It only loads when I click on that overlay.

I have created a video which shows the behaviour. It's edited a bit for privacy reasons:

On a browser everything is working fine, also when I request the desktop version in chrome it suddenly works. Could some CSS prevent the content from being shown?
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:53 pm

This is how this plugin works. It covers the website before accepting the cookies. Here is a link to its developer:
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GK User
Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:02 pm
I didn't find documentation or bugs about this behaviour. You mean it is intented to not load the page on a mobile browser and do it otherwise on a desktop device? Because that's what is confusing me, it is working inconsistantly. If you never experienced this I guess I will have to ask the dev about it. Thought it could be a conflict of some css with the template. On a mobile browser I can't debug like on a desktop one.
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Aug 01, 2016 4:46 pm

No I meant that on desktop You got a small notification bar at the bottom of the page, but on mobile notification covers whole screen. In both cases notification is gone after accepting cookies by user. Does it work differently for You or for example the message does not disappear after accepting ?
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GK User
Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:47 pm
I have made a few screenshots to hopefully show the issue. There is no issue on a desktop device, it's only affecting mobile.

First I set the cookie to implicit mode in my template settings:

Then I load the page on a mobile browser. In my case it's TugaBrowser v46 on a HTC 10. The front page starts loading and suddenly the cookie banner is lying on top of a grey background and I can't see anything else until I tap on one of the options. Additionally this banner suddenly is explicit mode ("Please allow...") instead of implicit ("Our site uses..."):

For fun I requested a desktop version of the page in that browser. And the page now loads its content correctly but with the cookie consent banner again in explicit mode instead of implicit:

And now I am stuck with this confusion: The mobile version of my page based on the Hotel template loads the cookie consent in a different setting and blocks the content until it's tapped/clicked.

Hope I could show what I mean.
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:14 pm

Yes. I know. This plugin works this way on any template selected. You need to talk to it's designers if You wish to change it since plugin is being loaded from their site directly.
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