greek and english menu are not displayed the same way

Support desk for Villa Belluci Joomla Hotel Template
GK User
Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:40 am
Hi, I do have installed the quickstart with
Joomla! 3.5.1 Stable
Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable
PHP Version 5.3.29
in Web Server Apache

The languages are Greek and English and the Greek menu items first level, are not aligned with the bullet that comes with the template between them, but they are displayed some pixels below the bullet.

The English menu items first level are aligned with the bullets, as in your demo.

As well it seems that not the same css files are read by default in Greek and English, as the home menu item in Greek is underligned.

The greek template was created by duplicating the english template. In the rules of the Greek template the greek frontpage ID was declared.

Any suggestions on the sulution of these issues?

Thank you in advance,
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Junior Boarder

Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:17 pm

Please tell me the url to Your site.
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GK User
Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:32 pm
Hi, I have already sent you the URLS in a message:

Subject: URLS relevant to my postings

thank you in advance for your response,
Best regards,
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Junior Boarder

Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:21 pm

I've found the message thanks to the title You've posted. As I can see English menu has a font "Montserrat" while Greek "Open Sans". I believe You have separate template styles for each language, so both this styles has to be configured separately. Just make sure the font You will be using supports Greek characters. Easiest would be to use Google font:
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GK User
Tue Apr 26, 2016 3:06 pm
Hi, the issue is not the fonts that you discribe, but from the underline in the Home page when the language changes you can see it for example.

The issue with the bullet was partly solved because I had to place a link on the menu items and in this case, when the menu item has a link then, it is placed in vertical aligh with the bullets.

So please check only on the Home page underline when the language changes.

Best regards,
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Junior Boarder

Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:16 am

I'm sorry, but I do not understand. Please show me a screen of the problem.

I can see there is a small issue with bullet. Please add this code to override.css

Code: Select all
#gkHeaderNav .gkMainMenu .gkmenu > li > a,
#gkHeaderNav .gkMainMenu .gkmenu > li > span {
    padding: 0;

#gkHeaderNav .gkMainMenu {
    margin: 110px 0 0 !important;
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GK User
Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:15 pm
Hi teitbite,



Thank you in advance for your response,
Best regards,
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Junior Boarder

Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:36 pm

Och, so it's only about underline of a home element.

So, problem here is not a bug or anything. This is how joomla works. You have 3 homepages, one for Greek other for English, while in fact only one is used and rest is redirectling to that.

Personally I deal with that by using Falang component, use one and the same menu and translate it.
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GK User
Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:07 pm
Hi teitbite,

its the first time a template of yours has this kind of flaws. The homepage never gets underlined, and personally i consider falang inacceptable solution for multilingual professional websites, but is my personal opinion, and based on my personal experience. For what you believe best might be a good solution.

Thank you for your support, I will post the css code that corrects this flaw when i come back to that, for use of anyone who cares about it,

Best regards,
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Junior Boarder

Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:13 pm

I doubt it can be solved with css.

ID of Greek homepage is 1189
ID of English homepage 640

but clicking the English Home elements leads to ID 1189. It's a menu structure problem. Send me an access to joomla panel. I'll see if this can be corrected in menus.
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GK User
Tue May 10, 2016 1:35 pm
Hi teitbite,

In the css it can be corrected by placing in the override.css

#gkHeaderNav .gkMainMenu .gkmenu.level0 > li >, #gkHeaderNav .gkMainMenu .gkmenu.level0 > li > {
border-bottom: 0px solid currentColor;

but what you write persists and needs further correction in the menu code.

Thank you in advance for any new contribution to this template.
Best regards,
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Junior Boarder

Wed May 11, 2016 5:51 pm

Sure You can force the underline, but it's not that this element is really active. You need to include the sheared home element in menus first. Please read this article it will explain how this should be done: ... joomla-1-7
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GK User
Wed May 11, 2016 7:13 pm
Hi teitbite,
there wont be any sheared home elements, so in case you do have any contributions for the template you are more than welcome to post them,

Thank you in advance,
Best regards,
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Junior Boarder

Wed May 11, 2016 8:26 pm

Joomla requires to have a shared home element, please look at the instruction I send You. Next to separate default menu element for each language there needs to be a default element for ALL. It's necessary so website can select a language it should be displayed at.

You can use Falang component to translate home element to deal with one only.
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GK User
Thu May 12, 2016 2:18 am
Hi teitbite,
thanks for bringing it up and for the url you posted.

I am aware and there are currently indeed 3 menus (english, greek, all). I will check with what you sent me though. The Falang option is not what I need for a professional webpage and I prefer to use 2 lang discrete content for many reasons, not to take your time for that.

Thanks for coming back to my request, and as I wrote above any contribution to this template would be more than welcome.

Best regards,
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Junior Boarder
