K2 problems after update

Support desk for Villa Belluci Joomla Hotel Template
GK User
Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:38 pm

my K2 worked well before upgrading to K2 2.7 and to J3.5.1.

Now whenever I add an article (both from fronted and backend) I get the error/warning message that you can see on the attached image

I found on the K2 forum a similar problem http://www.joomlaworks.net/forum/k2-en/ ... -0-upgrade but no answer; they say that could be a template problem...

I also tried to disable the JavaScript files settings as in my second attachment

For a moment it seemed to be solved but when I logged out and then logged in again, the problem aroused again.

At the moment I reverted to J3.4 and K2 2.6.9

Can you please me help to solve?

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Expert Boarder

Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:16 pm

If problem would be related with template than it would be happening only during frontend editing, but not in joomla panel where none of template files or any of our extensions is involved. You should talk about it with K2 support.

Is there any text message about this error or just this image ? Hopefully text will point to where the problem can be.
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GK User
Fri Apr 22, 2016 3:56 pm

thanks for the reply.

No, there is no text message; I also set up the maximum error reporting, but no text is shown.

I searched better the K2 forum and this is the solution:

http://www.joomlaworks.net/forum/k2-en/ ... -k2-v2-7-0

They don't clarify how to do: there is some code in github without any explanation... anyway I installed the file that someone suggested in that post and after that I get another (but maybe the same) error with a text saying that there are some extra fields required, but I don't have any! So I went on the extra fields and there were 3 of them belonging to an extra field group "ingrendients". I don't where they come from... maybe they were inside the quickstart template.

I deleted them and now there is no more error.

Hope this could help someone else...
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Expert Boarder

GK User
Fri Apr 22, 2016 4:02 pm
I had the same problem and have fixed it.
For some reason after the update. My K2 category was set to display extra fields.
So when I tried to save an item with no extra fields it gave that alert that you show.
Go to your category settings and set the Associated "Extra Fields Group" to none.
that worked for me.
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:22 pm

Thank You for shearing solution with us. I bet someone else will benefit from it. Thread closed.
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