Lots of oddities when trying to start with quickstart

Support desk for Villa Belluci Joomla Hotel Template
GK User
Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:52 am
As oper your instructions I am trying to start the build of my site using your quickstart. After a bit of a faff I have managed to get it installed and running. I'm setting this up for a small eco hotel with four vacation houses. I've created categories and updated the menu accordingly and have been finding and editing updating modules as i find them to reflect more relevant content. I've also uploaded photos into new categories. But there seem to be some ghosts in the machine i cannot figure out.

For instance, in soldres, I have created a new asset and removed the original Villa Bellucci asset. but whenever i click on the check availability module it returns info on the villa bellucci even though i have removed it as an asset! How does that happen? I have rummaged throughout the module and the component itself and found nothing. i've gone through all the content and found nothing. I have also found that when i try to assign images to rooms within solidres, i click on the asset manager tab and it first takes me to a demo folder but does not allow me to change to another directory where the correct images lie. if i click on any of the buttons directly above the content icons, to leaf through other pages of content within that same directory, the popup window then displays a scaled down window of the backend admin of my website! on the control panel page to be specific... what a mess.
FYI, I have removed k2 as it didn't seem to do anything, and i have purchased a single license for solidres so i can experiment with connecting it to paypal. but i cannot seem to get even the3 basics of this demo to work well enough to convert this into a site that can take reservations...
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Junior Boarder

GK User
Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:59 am
oh, and the reply page generated by solidres seems not to properly inherit the template info as the page is wider than the screen with content running off the left side of the visible area.
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Junior Boarder

GK User
Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:36 am
this display problem appears in your demo site as well by the way.
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Junior Boarder

Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:46 pm

Can You please give some links to examples ? I'm having problems to understand what the problem is. But I think it may be because of cache. Try to create new articles instead of replacing the one which were there already. Simply unpublish or trash old ones.
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GK User
Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:17 pm
OK, here's the main issue. When using the quickstart, the version of solidres is old -- 0.8 instead of current 0.9. Current plugins for solidres are meant for the newer version. if you install the new pluginsd with 0.8 solidres, things break. if you uninstall 0.8 and try to do frtesh install of 0.9 you get error:

Table 'wailua_kipuka.ezpbr_sr_reservation_assets' doesn't exist SQL=ALTER TABLE `ezpbr_sr_reservation_assets` CHANGE `category_id` `category_id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL;

Package Update: There was an error installing an extension: com_solidres.zip

So it is currently not possible for someone using this template to buy the commercial version of solidres, which is now 0.9 without breaking the system. I've gone through this from scratch three times with solidres (at least they are putting in the effort to try to resole this from their end and being generally quite useful). But replies from you guys are very slow to come back and not very useful. you asked for a link in my other post and the link was already in my last post. If you guys ar charging for this product the least you could do is be a bit more responsive3 and test your stuff with the plugins/components you use and kieep them updated...
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Junior Boarder

Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:40 am

The error You are getting means that database is old too, so after deleting old plugin You should also delete tables for this component, so hopefully it will create it again. Are You sure You are using a full installation package for this ecxtension and not just update package ? Just asking because error says it cannot alter the table which does not exists, so I'm guessing it was not there in the first place.

I'll let programmers know about this old version and ask to update it.
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Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:38 pm

I got an answer from programmers already. New extension version will be included in the newest template update.
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GK User
Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:04 pm
will they fix the display issue with the templarw when displaying results from the check availability module?
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Junior Boarder

Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:52 pm

Of course, unfortunately as forum moderator I cannot tell when this update will be released exactly. I do not have an access to programmers schedule.
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Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:21 am

Solidres has been updated on project's server. Will be available in the next template release.
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