Add menuID to LI element

Support desk for Villa Belluci Joomla Hotel Template
GK User
Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:03 pm
Is there a way to do this?

It seems this file would be the one to update: /templates/gk_hotel/lib/menu/GKBase.class.php

On about line 438: echo "<li $active>";
to: echo "<li $active $id>";

I tried editing this but it did not have any effect. Must I clear cache somewhere?
I did not see any template cache to clear, only Joomla's and it was empty as well.

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Fresh Boarder

Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:20 pm

This will cause html error which will most probably be corrected by Your browser. I'm afraid what You are trying to do will require much more changes and script is not prepared for that, so this is above our support. Sorry.
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GK User
Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:16 pm
But if my approach is sound, it would be easy to differentiate the two elements.
In your answer, is it because it's an id# and you can't have two the same?

The LI can different with id="li-menu-####", no?
It would seem an easy fix.

My reason is I shorten the height of gkHeaderNav and considered dividing my menu on each side of my logo ... but perhaps actually splitting the menu into two menus may be a better approach...
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:57 pm

I meant that using this php code would produce something like:

Code: Select all
<li class="active" 123>

which is not a correct html syntax. To make it work a lot more codding would be neccessary. Splitting menu into 2 may be much easier.
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