Alter Footer Text

Multipurpose WordPress Theme Forum Support
GK User
Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:33 pm

Thanks for producing a quality template. I am enjoying using it very much. :)

I have the following questions:

1. Where to find the specific code to alter in the footer to change copyright wording. (I would like to change "© 2007-2015, GavickPro is an authorized retailer for goods provided by Quark Store")

2. How can I change the url for the social icons in footer?

3. How can I change the url for social icons and contact info of header in contact page?
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Fresh Boarder

Joshua M
Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:12 am

Regarding your issues:
1. Please navigate to Appearance -> Customize -> Features section and you can change the footer text by editing "Copyright text" field.

2. Please edit the same "Copyright text" field, and change the href attribute from "#" to your URL:
Code: Select all
<a href="#"><i class="gkicon-instagram"></i></a>

3. Please navigate to Appearance -> Customize -> Contact Page section (is visible only if you are browsing your Contact page, so click "contact" menu item if the Contact Page tab is not visible). Here you should find these options.
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GK User
Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:29 pm
Thank you so much!!
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Fresh Boarder
