Issue with Mailpoet Form and Manual Inconsistency

Multipurpose WordPress Theme Forum Support
GK User
Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:07 am
Dear team,

There seems to be an issue with the Manual for QUARK theme on the Mailpoet / Mailchimp segment. In the manual you are describing now to set up with Mailchimp and below link to a mail chimp procedure whilst talking about MailPoet. ... on-default (section on Contact and newsletter)

Would you kindly assist me in getting my MailPoet form and newsletter subscription set-up with Quark Theme ?

Thanks a lot for your assistance

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Fresh Boarder

Joshua M
Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:23 am
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GK User
Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:38 am

Thanks for the help, i'm working on it now.

Done :
1) change in the Form through MailPoet Plugin
2) Added the mail poet Form Widget to Bottom III area
3) Changed custom CSS as described (big title...)

Issues :
1) There is no "advanced tab for template*
2) Can't find Override.css file, where should it go
3) can't find Bottom III area in the Customizer for frontpage, does this mean it won't work even if i tell it to be on every page of the site ?
4) As Bottom III is not visible... i don't see my widget anywhere on the site.

Am unfortunately still stuck, although the article was a start of help which is appreciated. Can you assist ?

Thanks a lot,
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Fresh Boarder

Joshua M
Thu Feb 04, 2016 9:19 am
In our new themes, there's no Advanced an other template options (options are moved to Customizer) and override.css file is enabled by default, so please add your code into Quark/css/override.css file, you can also use any custom css plugin i.e.

There's no Bottom III area, because the frontpage of the quark is based on pages, so you have to edit Newsletter (subpage of the frontpage), where the sample quark newsletter is placed and add the MailPoet shortcode: ... ion-forms/

For the pages other than frontpage - please check the Bottom IV widget area (you should also add your mailpoet form here if you want to disaply the widget on other pages)
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