We would like to show a widget of dropdown blog posts categories along the top of the Blog Page and along the top of the Blog section of the Frontpage.
1. On the separate blog page: https://nakedasajaybird.net/welcome/nat ... good-news/
We've already inserted a blog post category dropdown via a widget into the "Content Top" widget area under Appearance - Widgets. We tried placing the widget into other widget areas and this was the only place where it showed up. But we would rather have it better placed, ideally below the header "Fresh From the Blog" and to the right, centered above the first two posts excerpts. How can we do this? Is it possible within the blog page edit area itself?
We would also like a pagination feature at the bottom of this main blog page, so people can see that there are more posts and click to read to the next set of posts excerpts.
2. On the blog section on the Frontpage, we would like the same kind of placement of blog posts categories dropdown mentioned before AND a link along the bottom of the excerpt of posts that can read something like "Click to read more posts..." or similar.
Right now we have it set to display 6 posts excerpts because we have 6 posts published, but soon we'll have more and we'd like to set it back to show excerpts for 4 posts at a time.
3. Lastly, on the frontpage, we'd like for each section to show up in the URL / browser as someone scrolls over and so that if someone types in or clicks on a URL for a specific section of the frontpage, for example https://nakedasajaybird.net/#shop, that they will be directed to that exact section of the frontpage. Is this possible and how?
Thank you!