I'm looking to try and create a best practices for setting up all of our products and categories with the Quark theme. There are a few areas I was hoping someone might be able to help point me in the right direction.
1. Quantity - Is there a way to get this to show up? Right now there is no option if the customer wants to order more than one.
2. Is possible from category browse to have "Add to Cart" instead of "Product Details" as a way to save a click?
3. If we have different patterns of the same product, is there a setup that would allow the customer to click different swatches to allow the customers to then see the associated images relating to that swatch? See lands end site example to see what I mean. http://www.landsend.com/products/no-iron-sheeting/id_234559?sku_0=::AI9 . For our particular effort, we have a baby blanket as a product line that is available in 12 different patterns. Same exact product but different patterns. I believe there is a way to do this using parent/child products in virtuemart. In the above example, I'd like to have the the baby blanket product detail page show all 10 swatches where clicking a swatch changes, changes the main and alternate image sets to the child associated with that swatch. Presuming there is a way, I would greatly appreciate pointing me in the right direction with regard to a) how I set that up correctly in virtuemart and b) how to get that to view correctly in the quark front end.
4. Further to 3 above, quark only shows 1 image. We have upwards of 6 total images per sku, so is there a way to provide alternate images and not just the one image?