I was wondering what is the best way to handle images within the responsive deisgn?
I've got a image on the e-commmerce design that is smaller then the one in the demo; 500x524
Should I test it on all sceen sizes and edit it within the overrides.css or should I add an empty space around the image making it larger? So instead of 500x524 make it for example 600x624 (while the original image within stays at 500x524)?
Also is there somewhere documentation available about all the possibilities within the Quark E-Commerce theme? I did a manual install and imported the demo content but not everything has been imported.
For example I would also like to know how to make sure the image stays on the left so you don't see the orange on the left side, see image below.
Normally I work in Joomla so the whole Wordpress thing is kinda new for me anyways, atleast long time ago since I've worked with it.