Firstly, so sorry for constantly bugging you guys.
Secondly, trying to display a gallery at
I put in the divs as follows as required for the gallery:
- Code: Select all
<div class="site">
<div class="gk-cols gk-gallery" data-cols="3">
And then for the lightbox effect to work, I linked it to the image itself as follows: but, its only for some reason displaying the first two images in the on hover effect, rest don't show any effect, but the image doesn't enlarge in any of them, not even the first two. The page doesn't do anything.
- Code: Select all
<div class="site">
<div class="gk-cols gk-gallery" data-cols="3">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="IMG_3257" width="300" height="200"/></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="IMG_3276" width="300" height="200"/></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="IMG_3282" width="300" height="200" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="IMG_3318" width="300" height="200" /></a>
and so on....