round a mp4 video in Header

Support desk for Multipurpose Quark Theme
GK User
Sat Mar 04, 2017 6:19 pm

As you kan see - i round a .gif ind the header whit a image in transparent - and it'is wery slow (to big) is'is posible to roud it as a mp4 movie

How do I get it to run as an mp4 movie instead - thinking that it will run faster

The film shall start up automatically and in loop - if necessary. a start up image displayed in the movie until it round

the code in the Header

<img src="images/safe4/forside4.gif" alt="" class="parallax-img" />
<div class="gkPage">

<h1 data-sr="enter bottom and move 50px">Vi er til for dig</h1>

<h2 data-sr="enter bottom and move 50px and wait .2s">En safe4us SMARTvest Alarm med live videostreaming til dig!</h2>
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

<img src="images/safe4/header_trans.png" " class="parallax-img"/>

<a href="#" class="" data-sr="enter bottom and move 50px and wait .3s"></a>
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:19 pm

Try using HTML5's <video></video> option. Some more informations can be find here: just add class="parallax-img" to code. I'm not sure how it will work, but it's a start. When You will have a video running let me know so I'll see what else is needed.
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